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Our Upcoming Sunday Playlist
Check out the set list for this upcoming Sunday!
This playlist will be updated weekly so you can see what we have in store for our worship every Sunday morning!
Oasis Setlist Spring 2024
Oasis 2024 Setlist
Our Staff Picks
Finding worship music that is grounded in the gospel and theological sound, can be a massive challenge. To help you, here are a few options that we recommend. We’ll be adding to this list periodically.
The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.
Psalm 118:14
"God's glory is the end of our worship, and not simply a means to something else. In the midst of a culture that glorifies our pitiful accomplishments in countless ways, we gather each week to proclaim God's wondrous deeds and to glory in his supreme value. He is holy, holy, holy. There is no one, and nothing, like the Lord.”
Bob Kauflin
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