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‘PRIME TIME’ at The Gathering!
Seniors 55 and Up
Our Mission Statement
We exist to provide biblical encouragement for older adults 55+ with their unique needs and potential. Our goal is to minister to the complete person – physically, emotionally, socially, and of course spiritually, through meaningful and varied events and activities.
Our Activities and Events
1. E-Prayer
Pray personally for others in our peer group. Prayer updates are emailed as received and we pray on our own at home. Prayer requests may be sent to for distribution to our prayer partners. To become a praying member please ask to be added to our distribution list using the same email address.
2. Mission Trip to SWO Gleaners
SWO Gleaners offers us the opportunity to actively participate in the preparation of local, surplus vegetables for dehydration and packaging as a soup mix for distribution internationally, nationally, and locally (into Windsor-Essex food banks) for those who experience food insecurity. We volunteer on the last Tuesday of each month , September through June.
3. Monthly Socials
Each month from September through June Prime Timers get together for fun and fellowship through one of a variety of activities - pot lucks, outings, games, picnics, our annual Crokinole tournament with the youth - you get the idea! All activities, dates and locations are made known through our email distribution list. Please contact Wes or Linda at the emails listed below to be added to the list.
*** Please note that all dates are subject to change; any changes will be acknowledged through our email distribution list***
For more information, contact Wes and Linda Robinson at:
Tuesday, January 14 - Prime Time Prayer at the church, The Gathering Place; 10:00-11:30am
Saturday, January 25 - Birthday Bash/Birthdays Don't Stink! Noon to 3:30pm at the church
Tuesday, January 28 - SWO Gleaners 8:00am to noon; dine out for lunch with the group
Tuesday, February 11 - Prime Time Prayer at the church, The Gathering Place; 10:00-11:30am
Tuesday, February 18 - Crokinole with The Gathering Youth; early dinner and tournament
Tuesday, February 25 - SWO Gleaners 8:00am to noon; dine out for lunch with the group
Tuesday, March 11 - Prime Time Prayer at the church, The Gathering Place; 10:00-11:30am
Saturday, March 15 - St. Patrick’s potluck/hymn sing; noon to 3:00pm at the church
Tuesday, March 25 - SWO Gleaners 8:00am to noon; dine out for lunch with the group
We will provide more details closer to the actual events and also have sign-up sheets at The Welcome Desk on the Sundays before our socials. There is lots of fun and fellowship to be had this winter, so plan to come. It will not be the same without YOU!
Last Tuesday of each month
We have listened to your feedback, and so now offer the last Tuesday of each month for our volunteer outing to SWO Gleaners. We generally volunteer from 8:00am to12:00pm and then everyone treats themselves to a quick lunch together before heading home. Carpooling is often available if needed. This month only, on Tuesday, February 27, Linda Knight Messenger is offering to host lunch in her Kingsville home (not far from The Gleaners) for all who participate at The Gleaners. Please let Wes Robinson know if you plan to attend by this Friday. Wes can also help with any questions you may have. Thank you.
SWO Gleaners dates February to May:
Tuesday, February 27
Tuesday, March 26
Tuesday, April 30
Tuesday, May 28
SWO Gleaners
40 Industrial Rd,
Leamington, ON N8H 4W4
First Tuesday of every month
We believe the time to reinstate in person prayer at the Church is now. Please join us each second Tuesday of every month at the Church from 10:00am to 11:30am to read scripture, sing, and pray together for the needs of our church, our community, and more.