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Young Adults Ministry at The Gathering
Ages 18-30 ❘ Sunday Nights at 7pm
Community. It seems so elusive and yet, it is so desired. We want to be welcomed. We want to be accepted. We want to contribute. We want to belong.
You will discover authentic community in the young adult ministry at The Gathering. We study together, we eat together, we serve together and we pray together. We ask tough questions and look to the Word of God for answers. We recognize that we're living in interesting and confusing days and we are seeking to navigate these days together.
Young Adults meets on Sunday nights.
Location and times vary but most meetings will be at 7pm at the church building.
Contact Pastor Phil Siebenmorgen for more info:
2024 Summer Schedule
July 14 - Movie Night (Reviewing Options)
July 28 - Meet @ 7pm in Coventry Gardens-Worship Night & Ice Cream
August 4 - Volleyball and Potluck @ The Gathering Church
August 18 - Summary Sunday! "Satan: Who is he and what can/can't he do?"